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Using Conduit when Writing Client Applications

Running a Conduit server locally while developing client applications is an important part of the development process. Run applications through their bin/main.dart script or conduit serve. The former allows for debugging the application with a debugger.

Enable Logging and Return Server Errors

Ensure that logging is on while developing client applications by registering a listener on ApplicationChannel.logger.

class MyApplicationChannel extends ApplicationChannel {
  Future prepare() async {
    logger.onRecord.listen((record) {
      print("$record ${record.error ?? ""} ${record.stackTrace ?? ""}");

A useful feature to turn on during debugging is sending stack traces for 500 Server Error responses. Turn this flag on in a ApplicationChannel while debugging:

class MyApplicationChannel extends ApplicationChannel {
  Future prepare() async {
    Controller.includeErrorDetailsInServerErrorResponses = true;

When a 500 error is encountered, the server will send the stack trace back to the client so you can view it while developing the client application without having to switch terminals. This property should never be left on for production code.

Avoid Port Conflicts

Applications run with conduit serve default to port 8888. You may use the --port command-line option to pick a different port:

conduit serve --port 4000

Provision a Database for Client Testing

For applications that use the ORM, you must have a locally running database with a schema that matches your application's data model.

If you are using OAuth 2.0, you must have also added client identifiers to the locally running database. You may add client identifiers with the conduit auth command-line tool.