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Getting Started with Conduit


  1. Install Dart.
  2. Activate the Conduit CLI

bash dart pub global activate conduit

  1. Create a new project.

bash conduit create my_project

Open the project directory in an IntelliJ IDE, Atom or Visual Studio Code. All three IDEs have a Dart plugin.

How to Learn Conduit

There are different approaches depending on how you prefer to learn.

  • The guided tutorial is a hands-on walkthrough where you build an application while learning basic Conduit concepts.
  • The example repository contains a few deployable applications that you may review or tinker with.
  • The guides (located in the menu on this website) dive deeply into the concepts of Conduit and show example code.
  • Creating a new project and using the API reference to jump right in.

It is best to first understand how HTTP requests are responded to - the foundation of Conduit - before moving on to topics such as the ORM and OAuth 2.0. Both the tutorial and the HTTP guides are the primary source of this information. A project created by the conduit tool has example routes connected for modification, too.

Creating a Project

The conduit create command-line tool creates new Conduit project directories. The default template contains the minimal project structure for running a Conduit application. A project name must be snake_case.

conduit create my_project_name

Other templates exist that contain foundational code for using Conduit's ORM and OAuth 2.0 implementation. These templates can be listed:

conduit create list-templates

You may provide the name of a template when creating a project to use that template:

conduit create -t db my_project_name

Using the Conduit ORM

Conduit's ORM uses PostgreSQL. During development, you will need a locally running instance of PostgreSQL. On macOS, installing is a very convenient way to run PostgreSQL locally. For other platforms, see PostgreSQL's downloads page.

When creating a project, use the db template. If adding to an existing project, see this guide.

To create a database, make sure PostgreSQL is running and open the command-line utility to connect to it.


!!! warning "Location of psql with" If you installed, psql is inside the application bundle. You can run this tool by selecting Open psql from the status bar item in the Finder.

Then, create a database that your application will connect to and a user that it will connect with:

CREATE DATABASE my_database_name;
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE my_database_name TO dart_app;

An application must create a ManagedContext that handles the connection to this database:

class MyChannel extends ApplicationChannel {
  ManagedContext context;

  Future prepare() async {
    var dataModel = new ManagedDataModel.fromCurrentMirrorSystem();
    var store = new PostgreSQLPersistentStore.fromConnectionInfo(
      "dart_app", "dart", "localhost", 5432, "my_database_name");
    context = new ManagedContext(dataModel, store);


Once you have declared ManagedObjects in your application, generate the database schema by generating and executing migrations from your project's directory:

conduit db generate
conduit db upgrade --connect postgres://dart_app:dart@localhost:5432/my_database_name

See the guides on connecting to a database and testing with a database for more details on configuring a database connection.